Garnet Phillip Tashinga tantalizes us with this news, as the five seminal tones in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" resonate in our minds. And there's also a lesson in the genesis of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial that the human spirit can somehow, sometimes, lead on to a triumph. Curt Collins wants us to remember a Forgotten Ufologist: Journalist James Phelan. Phelan was far more, Curt explains, than just a writer on Things Ufological. But Phelan may have played an important role in one of the most important UFO books ever written. The SETI Institute has a Call for Submissions: Cosmic Consciousness Literary Residency. Interested artists beware: the deadline to apply is fast approaching! For this heads-up we thank the folks at UAP Check, who also put us on to Cat Toys, Condos and Treats Your Favorite Feline Will Love. We think UAP Check liked Kelsey Chapman's selections for two reasons: first, a flying saucer is featured; and second, the toys offer, as does ufology, "such benefits as mental stimulation, physical wellness, exercise and a good spot for sharpening those claws"—well, in polite UFO discussion, maybe not that last one! (WM)
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