When I was really young, maybe 5-7, I saw this girl frequently when I would wake up at night. I hadn’t thought about it in a while until tonight when my roommates and I were talking about ghosts and I expressed I was skeptical. This led to me talking about my sleep paralysis as a kid and I told them this story. Every couple or nights or weeks I’d wake up and open my eyes and see a girl in my room. She started in my closest and would get closer to my bed across the room every time id wake up. I kept track even of how far she was and then how close she was getting. I wouldn’t move or talk I’d just wake up and see her and then roll over. Then I make a note of her in my head the next morning. The thing is I wasn’t scared of her, and she wasn’t scary looking. Just a vague girl figure in my room. And then I guess I grew out of it? But I would see her and I wouldn’t move or talk like I just didn’t want to or couldn’t and after a minute or two I’d be able to go back to sleep. Now I’m not sure if it was technically sleep paralysis?
submitted by /u/texas_toasty_ash
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