A ginseng hunter in Oak Ridge, Tennessee recalls his uncle describing the 'hairy people' abducting women & children in the area, and the need for them to kill the most deadly ones.
"It was a hot summer day in 2016. I was hunting for ginseng close to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. I spent most of the day on my knees digging. About 20 minutes until night I decided to leave and that's when I heard the loudest scream/yelling I've ever heard in my life. We have black panthers here in New River and Oak Ridge. We also have black bears, mountain lions, and massive hogs, but this was nothing I'd ever heard. I felt it in my soul. I tried to run but I couldn't move. It's like I was in shock. Like I had just been through a shooting or a bad wreck. I was stunned!
I finally made it back to my car only to be greeted by soldiers with assault guns. They were chasing something and they thought it was me. They quickly realized I was not as big as what they were after.
My family is from the big mountains. We can walk into Kentucky from Tennessee. I've been in the woods since I was three years old. Cherokee/Irish descent. I've been aware of and taught about hairy people. My family stories were passed down to me and I always leave them alone. They won't bother you. But the bad ones live alone and will take our women and children.
My uncle Jose, who is deceased, ran the security at the Y-12 National Security Complex and he said they killed three or four every year trying to get into the plant. The old-timers used to tell us about the time one of the hairy people came into the holler and tried to snatch up a woman. They shot it six times and it just stood there, grabbed the girl, and left. They never saw her again. Every week a boulder or a tree would crash through his cabin at night. This went on for a year until they finally moved.
Once, I was hunting ginseng and then I just had this overwhelming fear come over me like somebody was watching me. I got up, looked around, and out of nowhere this head pops up from around this huge maple tree just staring right at me. I literally wet my pants right there. I was frozen with fear. I ran almost like I was in slow motion to the car. It was running behind me and throwing rocks. I swear I've never been that scared in my life."
Transcribed source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALxM00w5O4
NOTE: I have been told about other instances throughout Southern Appalachia where aggressive Bigfoot had attacked humans, and were hunted down and killed. Some of these incidents involved the military. Lon
Olivia Newton-John’s Family Explains the ‘Supernatural’ Ways She Has Stayed With Them After Death
Vlad the Impaler may have cried tears of blood, chemical analysis of his letters finds
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A ginseng hunter in Oak Ridge, Tennessee recalls his uncle describing the 'hairy people' abducting women & children in the area, and the need for them to kill the most deadly ones."It was a hot summer day in 2016. I was hunting for ginseng close to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. I spent most of the day on my knees digging. About 20 minutes until night I decided to leave and that's when I heard the loudest scream/yelling I've ever heard in my life. We have black panthers here in New River and Oak Ridge. We also have black bears, mountain lions, and massive hogs, but this was nothing I'd ever heard. I felt it in my soul. I tried to run but I couldn't move. It's like I was in shock. Like I had just been through a shooting or a bad wreck. I was stunned!I finally made it back to my car only to be greeted by soldiers with assault guns. They were chasing something and they thought it was me. They quickly realized I was not as big as what they were after.My family is from the big mountains. We can walk into Kentucky from Tennessee. I've been in the woods since I was three years old. Cherokee/Irish descent. I've been aware of and taught about hairy people. My family stories were passed down to me and I always leave them alone. They won't bother you. But the bad ones live alone and will take our women and children.My uncle Jose, who is deceased, ran the security at the Y-12 National Security Complex and he said they killed three or four every year trying to get into the plant. The old-timers used to tell us about the time one of the hairy people came into the holler and tried to snatch up a woman. They shot it six times and it just stood there, grabbed the girl, and left. They never saw her again. Every week a boulder or a tree would crash through his cabin at night. This went on for a year until they finally moved.Once, I was hunting ginseng and then I just had this overwhelming fear come over me like somebody was watching me. I got up, looked around, and out of nowhere this head pops up from around this huge maple tree just staring right at me. I literally wet my pants right there. I was frozen with fear. I ran almost like I was in slow motion to the car. It was running behind me and throwing rocks. I swear I've never been that scared in my life."Transcribed source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALxM00w5O4NOTE: I have been told about other instances throughout Southern Appalachia where aggressive Bigfoot had attacked humans, and were hunted down and killed. Some of these incidents involved the military. LonHAVE A COMMENT? GO TO OUR SUBREDDIT AND POST YOUR THOUGHTSFeel Free to Post PHANTOMS & MONSTERS DIRECT LINKS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE. Thanks For Your Support!Have you had a sighting or encounter?Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. LonAccess Phantoms & Monsters Post Updates on TELEGRAMSubscribe & Join the Chat GroupAccess Phantoms & Monsters Posts on Twitter 'X'-----YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED! THANKS-----APPALACHIAN TRAIL...HIKERS BEWARE! LIVE Chat - Questions & Answers - Join Us! Lon Strickler (Host)Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.Featured in this edition:The Appalachian Trail meanders amid mountains and valleys for 2,190 miles through 14 states from Georgia to Maine. Hundreds of thousands of people step foot on it each year. The biggest danger is not being prepared for the challenging hike. But there are also bears, coyotes, snakes, and ticks that frequent it. Then there are those 'things' that are not usually talked about. Sit back and listen to a few of the strange and terrifying tales that have become Appalachian Trail lore.In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, & SHARE - THANKS!-----ORDER THE AUDIOBOOK VERSION-----TODAY'S TOP LINKSOlivia Newton-John’s Family Explains the ‘Supernatural’ Ways She Has Stayed With Them After DeathVlad the Impaler may have cried tears of blood, chemical analysis of his letters findsCAMPING & RV ENCOUNTER HORROR! WHAT ROAMS AMONG US? LIVE Chat - Q&A - Join Us! Lon Strickler (Host)LISTEN TO NARRATIONS OF PHANTOMS & MONSTERS REPORTS & CASES - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHAREHuge, Hovering and Silent: The Mystery of ‘Black Triangle’ UFOsFootage Of UFO Landing At Holloman AFB With Aliens Walking Out Exists, Producer Told James FoxPHANTOMS & MONSTERS READING LISTAccess Phantoms & Monsters Post Updates on TELEGRAMSubscribe & Join the Chat GroupCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistPHANTOMS & MONSTERS RADIO Podcasts on SpotifyFeel Free to Post PHANTOMS & MONSTERS DIRECT LINKS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE. Thanks For Your Support!**********Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. Please click the banner above. Thanks.Have you had a sighting or encounter?Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. LonAlso available with audiobooknarration by Terry Springs,CBS-TV Las Vegas affiliate.The Dark Arts of MISTER SAM SHEARON - Original Prints & MerchandiseThis blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler© 2005-2023 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved