The Unexplained | August 13, 2023

Welcome To Spooky Season…October Case Study…Veronica (2017)…ft. Angel Card Amy

Hello True Believers and welcome to October!
It may well be out favourite month of the year and what a better way to kick it off than with a case study of the movie many on social media declared 'too scary to finish'...

Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy will examine why that statement is not quite true but is attached to a pretty amazing movie is based on true events (like all other case studies) but classifies just as much of a psychological thriller than a classic horror movie...

Here are some topics discussed:
- The ongoing tension conveyed in the film
- It's unique soundtrack
- What moments gave Phil & Amy chills...and it's not the traditional 'jump-scares'
- Sister Death
- The movie's amazing lack of 'stupid character syndrome' that plagues most horror films
- The true events this film is based on...and how it may be a lot more scary than initially reported
- The eerie resemblance between some of the true events and shots in the film
- Does this movie leave the door open for a future sequel?

Enjoy and stay curious...cause if you ain't curious you may as well already be dead!

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