An urban explorer in Newark, New Jersey was in the Old Essex County Jail. He planned to sleep in the lookout tower that night until he encountered a massive winged humanoid with red eyes.
I received the following account:
"Hi. I live in Newark, New Jersey, and like exploring old abandoned buildings and locations. Back in May 2023, I was at the Old Essex County Jail, which has deteriorated beyond recognition. There are walls falling down and holes in the ceiling. The entire complex has been left in ruins. It's also a place where squatters and homeless people have moved in throughout the years, but they usually leave quickly.
I've been wanting to go in there for a while, so I strapped on my GoPro and headed out one weekend. I planned to spend a full night in the jail. The locks on nearly all of the gates have been cut and there are gaps in the fences, so it was easy to access. There is also a dirt road that leads into the place.
I took my time walking along on the dirt road, then entering the buildings because I wanted to get some decent shots of the exterior. Once inside I ventured all over the jailhouse. I soon understood why so many people were creeped out by the place. It was absolutely disgusting and putrid from the transients coming and going.
I decided to make my way to the lookout tower which was the most comfortable area I could find. I could see my car in case there was a problem and I had a great view of the entire facility from there. Once it got dark I got as cozy as I could in my sleeping bag.
At around midnight, I was woken by a loud banging noise. I grabbed my lantern and adjusted the knob to make it brighter. Then I had a clear look at the cause of the racket. A huge figure with giant wings flung itself against the window of the lookout tower. The entire room shook and I heard the glass starting to crack again it hurled itself at the window. The thing was terrifying! It had large red eyes that glowed in the light of my lantern. The body was black and covered in hair. The wings were bat-like and maybe 15 feet wide. It was massive!
I was shocked by the sight! So I started to run down the stairs of the lookout tower to get away but I stumbled and dropped my lantern. It crashed on the steps. I was in total darkness. The banging had stopped. Then I heard the thing take flight on its powerful wings and soon it was gone.
I believe that the creature was a mix of a moth, a bat, and a human. Seriously! I believe the light from the lantern attracted it. Since that night, I have talked to other urban explorers who have mentioned the 'Bat Man' in Newark,. I had never heard of it before, but apparently others have. Have you ever heard of this creature? Thanks." JK
NOTE: This is the first I have heard of this cryptid in the Newark, NJ area. I have a few connections there so I will try and follow up on this report. Lon
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