My mom has campaign signs outside of our house of the candidates she’s voting for and someone took one of them out the yard today so she wanted to see who did it and rolled back the camera. It recorded everything except the moments the sign had disappeared. It looks like the camera skipped a frame and the sign is just gone. How can this be? Did some crazy person hack into our camera system just to steal our sign?? Something just doesn’t seem right and I have no explanation as to how this could have happened. Can anyone help?
submitted by /u/EveryGlow
[link] [comments] My mom has campaign signs outside of our house of the candidates she’s voting for and someone took one of them out the yard today so she wanted to see who did it and rolled back the camera. It recorded everything except the moments the sign had disappeared. It looks like the camera skipped a frame and the sign is just gone. How can this be? Did some crazy person hack into our camera system just to steal our sign?? Something just doesn’t seem right and I have no explanation as to how this could have happened. Can anyone help? submitted by /u/EveryGlow [link] [comments]