
The Paranormal | July 16, 2023

Ghost story from childhood

It was a normal day, I was at my Dads girlfriends house with her son. We were alone playing tony hawk for part of the morning. My Dads girlfriends house was old but not ancient. At night time even when my Dad and his GF were there both me and her son would always get such a fear of something being in the house before this incident, and after it was much worse of a fear. Anyways, after we got done playing video games it was around 1 in the afternoon when the sons friend called and said she was coming over to skateboard with us. The game room was at the end of a short hall way. Once you exit the game room there’s a bathroom on the left. Me and the son were getting ready to head outside walking past the bathroom and we BOTH saw the faucet TURN IT SELF ON! It had 2 handles one for hot and one for cold, and I don’t even remember which one it was but we both saw the handle turn it self and instantly bolted outside as fast as we could . We thought it was his friend playing some type of prank on us but when we got outside we saw her way down the road skating toward the house. When she got there we went and turned the faucet off. I’ve only seen something unexplainable like this one other time and to this day it’s part of my experience that’s made me believe the possibility of ghosts.

submitted by /u/RudeMagician2
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