The Paranormal | July 12, 2023

Cheshire cat in the attic.

Had a dream once about a purple cheshire cat in my attic. Had everything the huge grin and all the details you would expect. One detail that stood out though was the fact that she was eating bones as if they where pretzels with an audable crunch as she would eat them. She did not seem evil or crewl but one thing that I did not realize until recently is that the Jinn in the Islamic religion eat bones. Soon as a muslim friend gave me a description of a jinn and said they where shape shifters and lived off of bones I dry heaved and had cold chills because I now know exactly what it was I seen. Spirits seem to be really attracted to me for some reason. Patting my hair or tugging at my clothes like they did at my old job which had a ton of paranormal activity. I will also have dreams of talking animals which will always say encourageing things to me especially at really hard or stressful times in my life.

submitted by /u/vlad4th
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