
The Paranormal | July 11, 2023

Letter on my closet mirror./u/uenostation23

Yesterday was a strange day. First time I felt happy since my Mom died because I finally got diagnosed with something that explains all my symptoms (Binocular Visual Disorder). I felt like I really wished I could tell my Mom. She would be so happy. Regardless, later on at night when I was about to close my closet door — I saw that there was a clear L written on it. My Mother’s first name starts with an L. I looked at it more closely…it’s sticky and made out of my cat’s fur. I live by myself and my cat cannot reach that high…much less make a perfect L. It’s been more than a year since my Mom died and I try to be as logical as possible but this is the first time I am met with something unexplainable.

What are your thoughts? Any similar experiences?

submitted by /u/uenostation23
[link] [comments] Yesterday was a strange day. First time I felt happy since my Mom died because I finally got diagnosed with something that explains all my symptoms (Binocular Visual Disorder). I felt like I really wished I could tell my Mom. She would be so happy. Regardless, later on at night when I was about to close my closet door — I saw that there was a clear L written on it. My Mother’s first name starts with an L. I looked at it more closely…it’s sticky and made out of my cat’s fur. I live by myself and my cat cannot reach that high…much less make a perfect L. It’s been more than a year since my Mom died and I try to be as logical as possible but this is the first time I am met with something unexplainable. What are your thoughts? Any similar experiences? submitted by /u/uenostation23 [link] [comments]

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