The Paranormal | February 28, 2023

What is happening to me?/u/southern_dad

Something weird just happened literally minutes ago before posting this. So, I'm aware of sleep paralysis when I'm half awake and half asleep, and we all know how it works and scientifically they called it rem sleep. Im trying to get an afternoon nap and I'm almost going to deep sleep when suddenly something suck out of me and put me in sleep paralysis (ah shit here we go again). It is weird this time because I'm aware and always been aware that I'm having sleep paralysis but this time I'm hearing robotic sounds like my body is running codes and you know in older computer even in an old sci fi movies when a computer is processing something it makes some robotic noise and that's what exactly I heard and my vision is half reality and glitching computer codes its scary af and when I tried to shout its muffled deep ai voice. I have even questioned myself if am I even a real person or that freaking covid vaccine did this to me. Lastly, when that was happening I tried to grab my phone to stop what I'm listening to (it was on speaker and im not wearing AirPods) then I was able to grab it realizing I never get to picked up my phone then panicked what if I never wake up. Is this glitch in the matrix?

submitted by /u/southern_dad
[link] [comments]Something weird just happened literally minutes ago before posting this. So, I'm aware of sleep paralysis when I'm half awake and half asleep, and we all know how it works and scientifically they called it rem sleep. Im trying to get an afternoon nap and I'm almost going to deep sleep when suddenly something suck out of me and put me in sleep paralysis (ah shit here we go again). It is weird this time because I'm aware and always been aware that I'm having sleep paralysis but this time I'm hearing robotic sounds like my body is running codes and you know in older computer even in an old sci fi movies when a computer is processing something it makes some robotic noise and that's what exactly I heard and my vision is half reality and glitching computer codes its scary af and when I tried to shout its muffled deep ai voice. I have even questioned myself if am I even a real person or that freaking covid vaccine did this to me. Lastly, when that was happening I tried to grab my phone to stop what I'm listening to (it was on speaker and im not wearing AirPods) then I was able to grab it realizing I never get to picked up my phone then panicked what if I never wake up. Is this glitch in the matrix? submitted by /u/southern_dad [link] [comments]

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