The Paranormal | February 18, 2023

I’ve never believed in ghosts, but I think my house may have one?/u/BD6456

My (33F) husband (30M) and I live in a beautifully restored 100 year old craftsman home in the oldest neighborhood of Houston, TX. We have lived here for about 3 years and in this time have experienced odd occurrences that we are unable to explain (list below). Until today, we would joke that it must be a ghost but never really believed it, but now I'm not so sure. What do you guys think? Is there a way we can test the energy of our home or something? I feel silly asking that, but what should we do??

About 2 months after moving into the house I was in our upstairs guest room and our large (7ft tall, heavy wooden frame - maybe 75ish lbs) mirror which was securely leaning on the wall fell on top of me and pinned me against the bed. Thank goodness my husband was home to help me get out from under it. I wasn't hurt, but really confused as I was just walking by and in the past when I've un-leaned it, it took a lot of muscle.

On two occasions with different guests staying in the same guest room as the mirror from #1 (maybe 9ish months apart) have told me while they were wide awake they felt like someone sat on the bed/the cat jumped on the bed, only to realize they were alone in the room.

While I was outside gardening this past fall, I felt someone firmly push my back which caused me to stumble. I was certain as I was turning around there was going to be someone there, but I was alone. My husband thinks I simply lost my balance but I very clearly felt something touch my back. I didn't bump into anything, it was clear behind me.

This brings us to today, which for me is the hardest to ignore. This morning around 7AM I heard two thuds about 10 minutes apart. After the second thud I got up (to let my dog out since they also woke him) and while he was outside I investigated the sound. The cat was in our bedroom asleep with my husband, and there wasn't anyone else in the house. I briefly looked around downstairs and didn't see anything, so I assumed it must have been something outside, got my dog, and went back to sleep. Fast forward to around 7PM, I went upstairs to get my stepson's (10M) bedroom ready for his arrival (his dad was picking him up, he is with us every other weekend) and I found 3 of his books had fallen off of his bookshelf. I believe this was the series of thuds I heard this morning. Here are some things that make it extra peculiar...(A) The books were a series of 4, I had organized them in order when I placed them 2 weeks ago, books 1,2, and 4 had fallen and the third book remained perfectly in-tact and erect on the bookshelf. (B) They fell in at least 2 series minutes apart, not all at once. (C) They fell pretty far out from the bookshelf, as a former physics major I am certain it would have taken quite a bit of force to get them to land as far away as they did, and nothing had fallen behind where they were on the shelf that could have knocked them. (D) For those who are curious, the bookshelf is securely anchored to the wall and has many books and nik-nacks that did not appear to be moved. The books also have about an inch of clearance between them and the edge of the shelf.

This is strange right??

submitted by /u/BD6456
[link] [comments]My (33F) husband (30M) and I live in a beautifully restored 100 year old craftsman home in the oldest neighborhood of Houston, TX. We have lived here for about 3 years and in this time have experienced odd occurrences that we are unable to explain (list below). Until today, we would joke that it must be a ghost but never really believed it, but now I'm not so sure. What do you guys think? Is there a way we can test the energy of our home or something? I feel silly asking that, but what should we do?? About 2 months after moving into the house I was in our upstairs guest room and our large (7ft tall, heavy wooden frame - maybe 75ish lbs) mirror which was securely leaning on the wall fell on top of me and pinned me against the bed. Thank goodness my husband was home to help me get out from under it. I wasn't hurt, but really confused as I was just walking by and in the past when I've un-leaned it, it took a lot of muscle. On two occasions with different guests staying in the same guest room as the mirror from #1 (maybe 9ish months apart) have told me while they were wide awake they felt like someone sat on the bed/the cat jumped on the bed, only to realize they were alone in the room. While I was outside gardening this past fall, I felt someone firmly push my back which caused me to stumble. I was certain as I was turning around there was going to be someone there, but I was alone. My husband thinks I simply lost my balance but I very clearly felt something touch my back. I didn't bump into anything, it was clear behind me. This brings us to today, which for me is the hardest to ignore. This morning around 7AM I heard two thuds about 10 minutes apart. After the second thud I got up (to let my dog out since they also woke him) and while he was outside I investigated the sound. The cat was in our bedroom asleep with my husband, and there wasn't anyone else in the house. I briefly looked around downstairs and didn't see anything, so I assumed it must have been something outside, got my dog, and went back to sleep. Fast forward to around 7PM, I went upstairs to get my stepson's (10M) bedroom ready for his arrival (his dad was picking him up, he is with us every other weekend) and I found 3 of his books had fallen off of his bookshelf. I believe this was the series of thuds I heard this morning. Here are some things that make it extra peculiar...(A) The books were a series of 4, I had organized them in order when I placed them 2 weeks ago, books 1,2, and 4 had fallen and the third book remained perfectly in-tact and erect on the bookshelf. (B) They fell in at least 2 series minutes apart, not all at once. (C) They fell pretty far out from the bookshelf, as a former physics major I am certain it would have taken quite a bit of force to get them to land as far away as they did, and nothing had fallen behind where they were on the shelf that could have knocked them. (D) For those who are curious, the bookshelf is securely anchored to the wall and has many books and nik-nacks that did not appear to be moved. The books also have about an inch of clearance between them and the edge of the shelf. This is strange right?? submitted by /u/BD6456 [link] [comments]

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