
The Paranormal | February 16, 2023

I used to see my someone in my room at night/u/DasBrot-

A long time ago when I was around 6 years old I would sometimes see someone who looked like my dad in my room while I was sleeping. I would wake up at around midnight with a little light shining through my window and I would see someone standing in the middle of the room in his underwear. I don’t remember what kind of expression was on his face but I remember he would be standing right in front of my dresser facing the side of my bed. I would say something like “daddy?” or “what time is it?” But he wouldn’t respond. I would close my eyes for a little bit and try to fall back asleep. But when I opened them again he would be gone. This kind of thing would happen a couple times a week for maybe a month and then kind of just stopped. I don’t know if this was my tired imagination at night or if it was a dream or if there was actually someone in my room.

submitted by /u/DasBrot-
[link] [comments]A long time ago when I was around 6 years old I would sometimes see someone who looked like my dad in my room while I was sleeping. I would wake up at around midnight with a little light shining through my window and I would see someone standing in the middle of the room in his underwear. I don’t remember what kind of expression was on his face but I remember he would be standing right in front of my dresser facing the side of my bed. I would say something like “daddy?” or “what time is it?” But he wouldn’t respond. I would close my eyes for a little bit and try to fall back asleep. But when I opened them again he would be gone. This kind of thing would happen a couple times a week for maybe a month and then kind of just stopped. I don’t know if this was my tired imagination at night or if it was a dream or if there was actually someone in my room. submitted by /u/DasBrot- [link] [comments]

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