News of the UnWordly | February 15, 2023

Tukdam — Between Worlds – Journeyman Pictureson February 15, 2023 at 4:38 pm THE ANOMALIST

After writing up the trailer for Tukdam — Between Worlds on Saturday night, this Anomalist editor rented the film on Vimeo for $2.99. This is a fine feature documenting the uncanny phenomenon of extended post-mortem lividity known as tukdam (thugs-dam) after someone dies during meditating. Best part of the documentary? The bafflement of western scientists, and a mortician, by the phenomenon, combined their genuine and keen interest in the phenomenon despite its decidedly non-scientific foundation. Surrounding tukdam is reincarnation, the nature of consciousness, and Buddhist beliefs. Recommended. For a less laconic review, Adele Tomlin at Tricycle gives her two cents on the film. (CS)-- Delivered by Feed43 serviceTHE ANOMALIST

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