News of the UnWordly | February 13, 2023

Ghost Photography And Long Exposure – Within The Boggart Woodon February 12, 2023 at 4:38 am THE ANOMALIST

Ever since the dawn of modern photography, folks have contrived to trompe-l'œil using this technology by various means to great effect and they're still implemented to this day. The seemingly-anonymous The Boggart gets down to brass tacks on the simple technique of long exposure, providing many examples by his own hand, while outlining the history of seemingly-realistic ghost photography. But what about video? Look no further than Tim Binnall sharing footage of a Ghost Filmed Running Into A Campfire. It's subtle, but ever-so-spooky, but one question remains — How come the dog seemed oblivious to the specter? (CS)-- Delivered by Feed43 serviceTHE ANOMALIST

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