News of the UnWordly | February 1, 2023

900 Bears Per Bigfoot: New Statistical Analysis Finds That Many Sasquatch Encounters Are Likely Misidentified Bear Sight…on February 1, 2023 at 4:29 pm THE ANOMALIST

First up is a statistical study looking at Bigfoot sightings across all of Canada and the US. The conclusion of the study is that most Bigfoot sightings are actually black bears, which seems a careless conclusion given no one has ever described Bigfoot with little fuzzy ears or a big hairy butt. Clearly whoever conducted the bear research has never actually encountered a bear; I have. This next report should make uneasy hikers feel safer in the woods though. Since we know Bigfoot isn't the only one who makes shelters out of sticks, we're willing to entertain this rather amusing report where a Teacher Explains Why There Are Often Dens Made Out of Large Sticks in Forests. It's all rather tongue in cheek, so you're in for a bit of a giggle as well as some food for thought. (CM)-- Delivered by Feed43 serviceTHE ANOMALIST

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