Hello all, long time reader and first time posting on here but I feel I need help piecing this together. Last night as I was laying in bed with my girlfriend and I heard a bang outside around 2:45ish. Now this is typical living in a rural area as it could have been a number of different animals. Though it was enough to get me out of bed to check just in case. The first time I walked into the living room and peered out of the door I saw nothing but a chair that was knocked over. Again nothing atypical from the norm. When I climbed back in bed I was wide awake. I decided to turn on a movie until I was tired again. I didn’t get the chance to turn up the TV when I heard it. 3 distinct taps on one of the window on the back side of our house. I was instantly hit with fight or flight. And like the fool I am, I chose fight,(for context I live with my GF, her mom, and brother. And I will be damned if I let anything happen to them) I ran outside arming myself with the chair on the front porch that had previously been knocked over and start looking for the late night predator that decided to make itself known. Barefoot and half naked I walked through our yard looking for footprints in the freshly fallen snow but saw nothing but my own. I felt vulnerable being outside with no shoes, I was in no shape for a fight I did see someone, so I snuck back in the house trying not to wake anyone else. But I decided to wake my GF to see if she had heard it but I was only me. I crawled back in bed and no more than 10 minutes later. A second set of knocks came. Once again 3 knocks this time louder than the first. Loud enough for myself, my gf and her mom to hear. I took of now prepared with clothes shoes and a golf club. I was prepared to stop this by any means necessary. I felt like a trapped dog ready to pounce, filled with fear and anger. I searched our entire property and our neighbors property (we are very close with our neighbors so I wanted to make sure they were okay too). I searched between the two properties for the upwards of an hours looking for ANY kind of tracks in the snow and found nothing. It was like it didn’t exist. No entry or exit. I know what I heard, I know something had to have knocked. I feel like I’m going crazy because I can’t find any answers. I’ve also been seeing the number 13 everywhere and I don’t know if the two are connected. I’ve read that I might be marked for death. If anyone can bring insight for me I would be truly grateful. Thank you.
submitted by /u/AilSonix
[link] [comments]Hello all, long time reader and first time posting on here but I feel I need help piecing this together. Last night as I was laying in bed with my girlfriend and I heard a bang outside around 2:45ish. Now this is typical living in a rural area as it could have been a number of different animals. Though it was enough to get me out of bed to check just in case. The first time I walked into the living room and peered out of the door I saw nothing but a chair that was knocked over. Again nothing atypical from the norm. When I climbed back in bed I was wide awake. I decided to turn on a movie until I was tired again. I didn’t get the chance to turn up the TV when I heard it. 3 distinct taps on one of the window on the back side of our house. I was instantly hit with fight or flight. And like the fool I am, I chose fight,(for context I live with my GF, her mom, and brother. And I will be damned if I let anything happen to them) I ran outside arming myself with the chair on the front porch that had previously been knocked over and start looking for the late night predator that decided to make itself known. Barefoot and half naked I walked through our yard looking for footprints in the freshly fallen snow but saw nothing but my own. I felt vulnerable being outside with no shoes, I was in no shape for a fight I did see someone, so I snuck back in the house trying not to wake anyone else. But I decided to wake my GF to see if she had heard it but I was only me. I crawled back in bed and no more than 10 minutes later. A second set of knocks came. Once again 3 knocks this time louder than the first. Loud enough for myself, my gf and her mom to hear. I took of now prepared with clothes shoes and a golf club. I was prepared to stop this by any means necessary. I felt like a trapped dog ready to pounce, filled with fear and anger. I searched our entire property and our neighbors property (we are very close with our neighbors so I wanted to make sure they were okay too). I searched between the two properties for the upwards of an hours looking for ANY kind of tracks in the snow and found nothing. It was like it didn’t exist. No entry or exit. I know what I heard, I know something had to have knocked. I feel like I’m going crazy because I can’t find any answers. I’ve also been seeing the number 13 everywhere and I don’t know if the two are connected. I’ve read that I might be marked for death. If anyone can bring insight for me I would be truly grateful. Thank you. submitted by /u/AilSonix [link] [comments]