Consider yourself to be a 'citizen scientist'? Samantha Mathewson helps boost the signal for NASA's Exoplanet Watch. A far cry from engaging in SETI, there may be some fun in the endeavor. Meanwhile from our Shoulders Of Giants section is a curiosity entitled, "The Second Alien Probe We Detect May Be Particularly Bizarre, Scientist Says. (record scratch) The second probe?! All will be made clear as Victor Tangermann outlines a provocative thought experiment regarding first, or second, contact. Returning to the real world, our pal Becky Ferreira notes Scientists Created A Device To Find Alien Life That's So Tiny It Fits In Your Hand. Determining whether a substance is biotic or abiotic is fraught, requiring serious hardware to make the determination, yet laser desorption mass spectrometry has beens scaled down to the palm of your hand but it still weighs 17 pounds / 8kg. Rounding out today's science section is a contemplation of the Rare Earth hypothesis where Arwen Nicholson and Raphaëlle Haywood insist There's No Planet B. Fair enough but for one, humans adapt and evolve. Not to mention such sweeping generalizations based upon a sample of one rarely stand the test of time. Still all good anomalists should hear out the other side of the aisle to best rebuke their ravings. (CS)-- Delivered by Feed43 serviceTHE ANOMALIST