After using a oujia board for some time truly believing i was speaking with my ancestor/spirit guide/guardian angel, I caught it in a lie, it got defensive. I suspect it to really be a demon. The problem is, it has been very helpful to me. Sometimes I need help interpreting my crystal ball visions and i could always ask it and it would give me the aha answers. This spirit/entity hasn't done anything malicious (just lied) and my house has not become haunted. I take precautions and sage/cleanse/salt cast circle of protection. Why does it help me?
submitted by /u/sleekapple25
[link] [comments]After using a oujia board for some time truly believing i was speaking with my ancestor/spirit guide/guardian angel, I caught it in a lie, it got defensive. I suspect it to really be a demon. The problem is, it has been very helpful to me. Sometimes I need help interpreting my crystal ball visions and i could always ask it and it would give me the aha answers. This spirit/entity hasn't done anything malicious (just lied) and my house has not become haunted. I take precautions and sage/cleanse/salt cast circle of protection. Why does it help me? submitted by /u/sleekapple25 [link] [comments]