Long story short, I graduated from college in 2020 at the peak of Covid. I could not find a decent job at the time so I pretty much had to take anything I could get. Most of the jobs weren’t ideal but it helped me stay afloat until I could land something better that i could use my degree towards…
Fast forward 6 months, I finally found the job I was looking for and I felt I was starting to do really good for myself. I was able to do things for my family and help where needed. I started saving money, and eventually got out of my beater vehicle from college and into a better one. I could finally travel, and just live my life how I always dreamed of. Everything was great..Until about 3-4 months into the job…
A series of unfortunate events started to take place over the next year or so. And it seemed to have a domino effect. One after the other, thing after thing. Anywhere I traveled, I had separate run-ins with the law (would have been life altering and debilitating had I been stuck with any of the situations - in three SEPARATE states I might add). I totaled my new vehicle in a freak car accident. I came out completely unharmed, not even a scratch on me. No one else was harmed or involved thank God. But there were about 4 instances I could have been seriously injured (or worse) during the collision but miraculously I wasn’t.
It just seemed like everywhere I went trouble seemed to follow. Before taking this job, I had never experienced anything as severe in my life happen. I chalked everything up to be just pure bad luck, wrong place, wrong time sort of deal. But 4 separate close calls that would have been seriously life altering/threatening in such a short span of time? It just can’t be a coincidence.
I always had it in the back of my mind that maybe someone had been wishing bad upon me all along, maybe they’ve done something to send evil my way. Then I started looking into my old friend groups/acquaintances from the past that I’ve ran into here and there throughout the years. Maybe there are a few people I could think of who would do such a thing out of spite and jealousy. Is this really possible? Has anyone else experienced anything like this before? Pretty spooked after reflecting the last couple of hours.
submitted by /u/OHmon3y
[link] [comments]Long story short, I graduated from college in 2020 at the peak of Covid. I could not find a decent job at the time so I pretty much had to take anything I could get. Most of the jobs weren’t ideal but it helped me stay afloat until I could land something better that i could use my degree towards… Fast forward 6 months, I finally found the job I was looking for and I felt I was starting to do really good for myself. I was able to do things for my family and help where needed. I started saving money, and eventually got out of my beater vehicle from college and into a better one. I could finally travel, and just live my life how I always dreamed of. Everything was great..Until about 3-4 months into the job… A series of unfortunate events started to take place over the next year or so. And it seemed to have a domino effect. One after the other, thing after thing. Anywhere I traveled, I had separate run-ins with the law (would have been life altering and debilitating had I been stuck with any of the situations - in three SEPARATE states I might add). I totaled my new vehicle in a freak car accident. I came out completely unharmed, not even a scratch on me. No one else was harmed or involved thank God. But there were about 4 instances I could have been seriously injured (or worse) during the collision but miraculously I wasn’t. It just seemed like everywhere I went trouble seemed to follow. Before taking this job, I had never experienced anything as severe in my life happen. I chalked everything up to be just pure bad luck, wrong place, wrong time sort of deal. But 4 separate close calls that would have been seriously life altering/threatening in such a short span of time? It just can’t be a coincidence. I always had it in the back of my mind that maybe someone had been wishing bad upon me all along, maybe they’ve done something to send evil my way. Then I started looking into my old friend groups/acquaintances from the past that I’ve ran into here and there throughout the years. Maybe there are a few people I could think of who would do such a thing out of spite and jealousy. Is this really possible? Has anyone else experienced anything like this before? Pretty spooked after reflecting the last couple of hours. submitted by /u/OHmon3y [link] [comments]