To those, who have never heard about them, it might feel a bit uneasy to hear that there is an entirely different species living among us acing us in matters pertaining to physical strength. I am talking about “Djinns”, pronounced as ‘J-ins’. A creation much attributed to exist in Islamic folklore even though they have existed way before the advent of Islam.
Where are they now?
Djinns have long been here since before humanity even set foot on this world — you gotta shake off the whole “theory of evolution” to absorb this. Living in clans and colonies, they used to roam the continents salvaging the resources of Earth. Until humans arrived. According to Islamic religious texts, djinns were concealed from humans and instructed to live in mountains, valleys and all the places of wilderness. They were made to leave all other places for humans for they were decreed to dwell on Earth from hence forth. According to some sources, human eyes have a membrane that prevents us from seeing them at will. Djinns still live among us concealed from our vision. On the contrary, they can choose to reveal themselves to us at will ( not fair right? ).
What do they look like?
According to Islamic religious texts, humans were created from clay whereas the entire species of djinns were created from ‘smokeless fire’. They are formless creatures since fire cannot be molded into a definite form but they can assume any shape and form. While we humans take pride in our intellectual abilities, the unique abilities of djinns include their strength. Djinns are mighty strong and have great heights. Their facial features vary in various races — yes, djinns have different races among them too! One common physical feature is that most of them have hooves instead of regular feet and horns on the top of their heads.
Do djinns possess supernatural powers?
Apart from enormous strength, djinns also have supernatural powers. Of which one is of course shapeshifting. They can transform themselves into any shape or form. Based on accounts of Muslim scholars of Baghdad and Cairo from 11th century, djinns mostly assume forms of snakes, lizards, dogs or other canines. Some djinns have abilities to control weather over a small area , summoning storms and lightening. They are said to have the ability of moving extremely fast, covering hundreds of miles in seconds! The most disturbing fact is that djinns can possess human bodies — yup, folks you gotta watch out for yourself.
Are Djinns immortal?
Seems like even after all those perks, djinns do have weaknesses. The greatest of them being death itself. Djinns have been known to live hundreds of years (now vampires have a foe in town!). But they can be killed, they can die in fights and they can die of old age.
How do they live?
Just as humans, Djinns have learned that by living together they can sustain themselves. Much like a normal human city or colony, djinns have their own cities and colonies in mountains, jungles and valleys. Nowadays, they are also often found dwelling in abandoned human homes. The fact that a house becomes “haunted” after being left uninhabited for sometime is because of the nomadic djinns who have taken over. Djinns have religions like humans, they have races as humans and they speak different languages just as we humans do. So you might encounter an immigrant Muslim djinn from Syria in the United States talking to an American djinn who is a Christian or a Jew — amazing right? Much like human interactions, djinns also interact and communicate with djinns of other regions. Exchanging goods and information. They even travel to each other’s places.
What do they eat?
According to scriptures, djinns eat charcoal or burnt wood. They also have tamed animals — which are definitely not your average cows, goats, camels etc. The djinn animals have been known to eat filth and animal droppings.
Modern paranormal activities and djinn
Now that we have a background about djinns, you might as well try to fit this creation in modern definitions of cryptids, demons, ghosts etc. According to my theories and research, I believe djinns and the entity “demons” . Djinns also resemble the entities described in several Native American folklores such as the ol’ famous “Skinwalker”. Skinwalkers have always been seen as an overly large sized canine which we know is the form assumed by djinns. Most of other American legends such as the Mothman or the Wendigo might as well be djinns.
BUT WHY AMERICA? North America was the last continent to be discovered on Earth. Before European settlers, North America was just plain wilderness with only a few native americans living there as compared to the vastness of the continent itself. Much of the space was ‘untouched’ by human hands which makes perfect sense as to why majority of this species would choose to inhabit the Americas.
As our numbers are increasing day to day, we have been provoking them by taking their territories, hence we find examples of curses over certain pieces of land in native american folklore which exist to this day. These places have all kinds of strange and paranormal phenomenon occuring there to ward off humans.
submitted by /u/SicMundusCreatus_
[link] [comments]To those, who have never heard about them, it might feel a bit uneasy to hear that there is an entirely different species living among us acing us in matters pertaining to physical strength. I am talking about “Djinns”, pronounced as ‘J-ins’. A creation much attributed to exist in Islamic folklore even though they have existed way before the advent of Islam. Where are they now? Djinns have long been here since before humanity even set foot on this world — you gotta shake off the whole “theory of evolution” to absorb this. Living in clans and colonies, they used to roam the continents salvaging the resources of Earth. Until humans arrived. According to Islamic religious texts, djinns were concealed from humans and instructed to live in mountains, valleys and all the places of wilderness. They were made to leave all other places for humans for they were decreed to dwell on Earth from hence forth. According to some sources, human eyes have a membrane that prevents us from seeing them at will. Djinns still live among us concealed from our vision. On the contrary, they can choose to reveal themselves to us at will ( not fair right? ). What do they look like? According to Islamic religious texts, humans were created from clay whereas the entire species of djinns were created from ‘smokeless fire’. They are formless creatures since fire cannot be molded into a definite form but they can assume any shape and form. While we humans take pride in our intellectual abilities, the unique abilities of djinns include their strength. Djinns are mighty strong and have great heights. Their facial features vary in various races — yes, djinns have different races among them too! One common physical feature is that most of them have hooves instead of regular feet and horns on the top of their heads. Do djinns possess supernatural powers? Apart from enormous strength, djinns also have supernatural powers. Of which one is of course shapeshifting. They can transform themselves into any shape or form. Based on accounts of Muslim scholars of Baghdad and Cairo from 11th century, djinns mostly assume forms of snakes, lizards, dogs or other canines. Some djinns have abilities to control weather over a small area , summoning storms and lightening. They are said to have the ability of moving extremely fast, covering hundreds of miles in seconds! The most disturbing fact is that djinns can possess human bodies — yup, folks you gotta watch out for yourself. Are Djinns immortal? Seems like even after all those perks, djinns do have weaknesses. The greatest of them being death itself. Djinns have been known to live hundreds of years (now vampires have a foe in town!). But they can be killed, they can die in fights and they can die of old age. How do they live? Just as humans, Djinns have learned that by living together they can sustain themselves. Much like a normal human city or colony, djinns have their own cities and colonies in mountains, jungles and valleys. Nowadays, they are also often found dwelling in abandoned human homes. The fact that a house becomes “haunted” after being left uninhabited for sometime is because of the nomadic djinns who have taken over. Djinns have religions like humans, they have races as humans and they speak different languages just as we humans do. So you might encounter an immigrant Muslim djinn from Syria in the United States talking to an American djinn who is a Christian or a Jew — amazing right? Much like human interactions, djinns also interact and communicate with djinns of other regions. Exchanging goods and information. They even travel to each other’s places. What do they eat? According to scriptures, djinns eat charcoal or burnt wood. They also have tamed animals — which are definitely not your average cows, goats, camels etc. The djinn animals have been known to eat filth and animal droppings. Modern paranormal activities and djinn Now that we have a background about djinns, you might as well try to fit this creation in modern definitions of cryptids, demons, ghosts etc. According to my theories and research, I believe djinns and the entity “demons” . Djinns also resemble the entities described in several Native American folklores such as the ol’ famous “Skinwalker”. Skinwalkers have always been seen as an overly large sized canine which we know is the form assumed by djinns. Most of other American legends such as the Mothman or the Wendigo might as well be djinns. BUT WHY AMERICA? North America was the last continent to be discovered on Earth. Before European settlers, North America was just plain wilderness with only a few native americans living there as compared to the vastness of the continent itself. Much of the space was ‘untouched’ by human hands which makes perfect sense as to why majority of this species would choose to inhabit the Americas. As our numbers are increasing day to day, we have been provoking them by taking their territories, hence we find examples of curses over certain pieces of land in native american folklore which exist to this day. These places have all kinds of strange and paranormal phenomenon occuring there to ward off humans. submitted by /u/SicMundusCreatus_ [link] [comments]