The Paranormal | January 13, 2023

Entity attack help/u/Top_Independence_640

Hi people,

this is a long winded one so please bare with me. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a dilemma I have? About 2 months ago, I ended up having a psychotic episode along with depersonalisation and derealisation, thinking I was in the matrix and that people weren't real. I took myself to A&E and got medicated with something to ease with the stress. I get back to my shared house still feeling awful, I get to into my room and I walk into a foul smell, it smelled like burning flesh or something, just really bad. I'd read about this before so I had an idea what this was. Then I got an immediate attack from something. Its hard to describe, but the only thing I can compare it to is something trying to possess me. Tingling and burning sensations all over my body especially around genitals and in lower back. Extreme intrusive thoughts. Feeling like I was beginning to lose autonomy. I rang my dad and he told me to find a church or ring a helpline. I ended up pacing around the house trying to get some distance from whatever it was. I go for a walk, come back and I cant remember what happened but the symptoms subsided. I couldn't sleep that night and was still feeling burning sensations. The next morning I go out and come back later that day and the exact same thing happens, except its twice as aggressive, to the point I'm struggling to type on my keyboard and I actually turn around and yell at it to 'get off'. I panic and call my Christian friend and he tells me his grandfather has done exorcisms before. He tells me his family are praying for me and I need to pray to Jesus, so I do, frantically. after about 5 minutes, I feel this burning sensation that's been in my back all day slowly start to rise up my body, my back straightens and my head tilts as I start involuntarily growling and groaning pretty heavily. After a few minutes I stop and the symptoms subside but the burning sensation in my back still persists. I ring my friend again for reassurance that it will clear and he tells me it will, but it could take a bit of time. eventually over the week the symptoms subside and I'm clear. Fast forward to this week, I did something I cant mention in fear of being banned, similar to the first time the events happened. The following few days I begin having brutal anxiety attacks, I experience a toy turn on by itself twice at work, followed by something fall off what sounded like my wardrobe at like 9am, when I was slightly awake. I go back to sleep and have 2 nightmares, one of them I was battling with a poltergeist. (not really a surprise) I've ruled out schizophrenia and psychosis. So the only other options I have deduced this to, are hallucination/delusion or entity attachment/attack. I have had paranormal stuff happen around me at my mums house such as the TV turn on by itself and the dog seems to notice a presence. I'm not religious and I'm still not. I've thought of myself as spiritual for the longest time and yet I've never truly believed entities were real, although I believe in a lot of conspiracies and real life events as I'm open minded. I haven't been the cleanest, purest or healthiest person recently and have dabbled in a little occultism in the past. I made a few sigils for selfish reasons, but I'd happily revoke them now if its possible. I try to be a good person although I think I have personality disorder that I've developed from generational child abuse. This could be a reason I'm attracting entities that are feeding off of my negative energy. I plan on seeing a spiritual healer of some sort to get cleansed. Sorry this is so long winded, but I really would appreciate any insight into what might be going on or what to do about it. I'm worried this could continue and have no idea who to turn to for help regarding this. My family would struggle to understand and I don't want to scare them. This is all so surreal to me still.


submitted by /u/Top_Independence_640
[link] [comments]​ Hi people, this is a long winded one so please bare with me. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a dilemma I have? About 2 months ago, I ended up having a psychotic episode along with depersonalisation and derealisation, thinking I was in the matrix and that people weren't real. I took myself to A&E and got medicated with something to ease with the stress. I get back to my shared house still feeling awful, I get to into my room and I walk into a foul smell, it smelled like burning flesh or something, just really bad. I'd read about this before so I had an idea what this was. Then I got an immediate attack from something. Its hard to describe, but the only thing I can compare it to is something trying to possess me. Tingling and burning sensations all over my body especially around genitals and in lower back. Extreme intrusive thoughts. Feeling like I was beginning to lose autonomy. I rang my dad and he told me to find a church or ring a helpline. I ended up pacing around the house trying to get some distance from whatever it was. I go for a walk, come back and I cant remember what happened but the symptoms subsided. I couldn't sleep that night and was still feeling burning sensations. The next morning I go out and come back later that day and the exact same thing happens, except its twice as aggressive, to the point I'm struggling to type on my keyboard and I actually turn around and yell at it to 'get off'. I panic and call my Christian friend and he tells me his grandfather has done exorcisms before. He tells me his family are praying for me and I need to pray to Jesus, so I do, frantically. after about 5 minutes, I feel this burning sensation that's been in my back all day slowly start to rise up my body, my back straightens and my head tilts as I start involuntarily growling and groaning pretty heavily. After a few minutes I stop and the symptoms subside but the burning sensation in my back still persists. I ring my friend again for reassurance that it will clear and he tells me it will, but it could take a bit of time. eventually over the week the symptoms subside and I'm clear. Fast forward to this week, I did something I cant mention in fear of being banned, similar to the first time the events happened. The following few days I begin having brutal anxiety attacks, I experience a toy turn on by itself twice at work, followed by something fall off what sounded like my wardrobe at like 9am, when I was slightly awake. I go back to sleep and have 2 nightmares, one of them I was battling with a poltergeist. (not really a surprise) I've ruled out schizophrenia and psychosis. So the only other options I have deduced this to, are hallucination/delusion or entity attachment/attack. I have had paranormal stuff happen around me at my mums house such as the TV turn on by itself and the dog seems to notice a presence. I'm not religious and I'm still not. I've thought of myself as spiritual for the longest time and yet I've never truly believed entities were real, although I believe in a lot of conspiracies and real life events as I'm open minded. I haven't been the cleanest, purest or healthiest person recently and have dabbled in a little occultism in the past. I made a few sigils for selfish reasons, but I'd happily revoke them now if its possible. I try to be a good person although I think I have personality disorder that I've developed from generational child abuse. This could be a reason I'm attracting entities that are feeding off of my negative energy. I plan on seeing a spiritual healer of some sort to get cleansed. Sorry this is so long winded, but I really would appreciate any insight into what might be going on or what to do about it. I'm worried this could continue and have no idea who to turn to for help regarding this. My family would struggle to understand and I don't want to scare them. This is all so surreal to me still. Thanks. submitted by /u/Top_Independence_640 [link] [comments]

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