This has only happened to me twice, I remember laying on one couch, and the corner of the living area got dark, it was like I was being watched and the dark around started to fade away. This was in a flat where I lived a bit, I moved in a house after that. And again the similar thing happened, but this time I saw two weird looking blobs of darkness on the floor, like something was manifesting. It looked like it was growing bigger. I can't explain it. I haven't seen anything like this after that
submitted by /u/Elle_b3nnett
[link] [comments]This has only happened to me twice, I remember laying on one couch, and the corner of the living area got dark, it was like I was being watched and the dark around started to fade away. This was in a flat where I lived a bit, I moved in a house after that. And again the similar thing happened, but this time I saw two weird looking blobs of darkness on the floor, like something was manifesting. It looked like it was growing bigger. I can't explain it. I haven't seen anything like this after that submitted by /u/Elle_b3nnett [link] [comments]