
The Paranormal | January 10, 2023

BKPS explores whether or not Alien Technology is controlling our weather/u/definitebureaucracy

Whether or not aliens exist is a topic of hot debate. In this article the Brooklyn Paranormal Society explores whether or not a UFO sighting from a forum user could have preceded the devastating bomb cyclone, and extreme weather across America in the following days.https://bkps.co/investigates/can-aliens-control-the-weather/

submitted by /u/definitebureaucracy
[link] [comments]Whether or not aliens exist is a topic of hot debate. In this article the Brooklyn Paranormal Society explores whether or not a UFO sighting from a forum user could have preceded the devastating bomb cyclone, and extreme weather across America in the following days.https://bkps.co/investigates/can-aliens-control-the-weather/ submitted by /u/definitebureaucracy [link] [comments]

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